
You either do, or you do not. There is no try in doing.

After reading a favorite blog Give me back my five bucks for the past year or so, I am finally motivated enough to use a little advice that her blog offers. I realize NOW is a great time to start a monthly list of goals. I often find myself bored at work, day dreaming about what I could be getting done, or doing at home. With so much time on my hands here at work, and even more on my mind I've decided THIS will be a great way to really prioritize the most important things to me and my cute little family. I really feel the best way for me to produce a realistic list of goals, I will have to also list my expenses which will also help me bunches. So, before every monthly list of goals you will be seeing my monthly money life along with it. This will even better help me to prioritize costly goals... So here goes list numero uno! Feel free to take Krystal's advice along with me!

I upped my Misc. by $150.00 since I will be enjoying a little getaway with my main Man in SLC before he heads off to Africa to do some Marine training for a month. And also on things like Utilities and Food I usually put down the high end of what I "think" they may end up being, just in case. I'd also like to put the remainder of my "left over" fund in savings if at all possible. Peej and I have decided to fully spilt the cost of living in our home, so that helps SOOO much! My bills just about a year ago were more than doubled. No wonder I couldn't do it. I simply wasn't making enough. Any way... There is my expenses and here are some of my goals. I'm going to go through my Monthly goals at the end of every month to see how I did, and where I'm at.

May Goals.

1. Follow the green pregnancy guidelines at babycenter.com a bit closer, so I can feel better throughout this little journey of baby makin.
2. Rise and SHINE by 6:30 every morning so my Yoga routine can be administered. (I've been doin good, thanks to Peej toughin it out by my side every morning!)
3. stick to the list of expenses! Really recognize how much is coming in and going out.
4. Find a good book and buy it! ASAP! Entertain yourself with this until Peej gets home. (Don't be a baby!)
5. Take Talyman to the park at least twice a week. And walks at least 4 times.
6. remember to recycle! (I love that there are recycling bins at just about every grocery store in town! I really want to take full advantage of these!)
7. D.I. some old clothes. Also find some new ones. (at the D.I.!)
8. Remember to take the garbage can out to the curb every Wed night before bed!(This might be a toughy!)
9. Start a flower pot, a tomato plant, and some herbs for me kitchen.
10. Go out to lunch w/some friends at least a few times while Peej is away.
11. Take my prenatal and prescriptions regularly! I've been strugglin.
12. Read to Talman every night.
13. Make sac lunches as much as possible.
14. Make a daily routine or schedule and live by it. (Maybe I'll post that later?)
15. In no particular order be a better friend, Mom, Girlyfriend, Sister, Daughter and person. Just go outa your way a little!
16. remember to be realistic about your goals and don't be too hard on yourself if you don't achieve all of them.
17. Cook dinner at least 3 times a week (it would normally be more days, but since Peej will be gone small dinners will be necessary and my dins are usually pretty large)
18. Finish unpacking and decorating our bedroom. I want it to be perfect when Peejman gets home.
19. Wash all of Tal's old baby clothes and bedding. (Considering reusing the bedding just cause I love it so much, we'll see)
20. Write my man a note every time I think of him, and stick the notes in with the letters I will send him. (One month seems like forever while prego!)

So twenty seems like enough goals for one month... Probably too many, but these are all things I think about everyday. After this month I'm sure I'll be able to better pick and choose the goals worth working towards. This list also seems to be more like guidelines than goals to me... I'm ok with that, whatever it takes to be better.

Striving to be better in everything I do, has always been a goal of mine. People are always saying to be happy with yourself and where you are at and than you will be better. I do not agree with that. I feel the only way to be better at anything is to work at it. Practice makes perfect and although I'm not practicing to be perfect, I'll always strive towards being a better me.


Errin said...

good for you, setting goals is a great way to keep you in track!

Cassidy Dawn said...

ok ok so i haven't looked through all my clothes but thank you thank you so much for my present I already know what you left. and I have been missing it! I miss you so much! And I was waiting for you to post some fabulous pictures of our adventure before I wrote about it.