
"everything I do, I do it for you"

I'm not sleeping very well. I wake every morning around 3ish and can't fall back to sleep for the life of me! (Literallyyy) while I help my unborn child grow I literally feel I'm having the life sucked outa me. Losing sleep is just NOT ok... But it's only natural... If Peej were here I'm sure I'd still have sleepless nights... Less I'm sure but still, sleepless nights. Talon misses him too. He says "I want Peej to come home" "Where's Peej" & "I miss PJ"... I can only imagine what he'll be saying once he leaves for Afghan. Peej always tells me not to think about it, but how can I not? The reality of our lives is that he is leaving for 9 months in just 3 months!!! It's the hardest thing in the world not to think about, but I'm trying for him.

I'm making myself keep busy! I'm cleaning, cooking, walking, hangin out at the park with Talon, painting furniture, sanding that furniture, and crafting up something special to give Peej when he gets home from Africa. Plus I'm really focusing on what I eat, and I'm feeling much healthier which makes me much happier. Plus I'm even saving money by not eating out nearly as much as usual! I bought some of those healthy select frozen meals which are actually quite tasty. And I've been cutting up melons to munch on throughout the day. I'm sure this is pleasing to Tres-mans tummy as well. So all and all I think I'm doing pretty good.

Our new family is preparing for war. I know our lives are in Gods hands, I don't need to understand why he has chosen this path for us, only that it is his plan. Our future will unfold in good time. Perfect time I'm sure. I really do trust him. Through the good and bad I know it will all unfold perfectly.

Only 15 more days!!!! :)
I think I can live with that.


Errin said...

well if you get lonely enough head on over to my house we can play!

Beau, Ashley, + Noah said...

You're one amazing lady!....
Lets plan a girls night, we can talk about the bridal/baby shower, and ash can come along too .. Love you friend ...

~..kass..~ said...

Hey girly, had no clue you had a blog! Good thing you left me a comment so I can add you to mine.
You are thinking the RIGHT way. It is in God's hands. These words will be a HUGE crutch to you through the next little bit, and beyond I am sure. It is the only way I get any sleep at night. Although it still is hard as hell! Darren has now been gone for 3 and I have "just" 9 left lol anyways like I said if you need anything I am here, well in AK nut here to talk haha