This morning while bathing yourself with that nearly empty (hooray!) coconut scrub that is no longer very pleasing to your nose buds, YOU had a pleasant thought, sorta like an epiphany!
Playback: Having Talon was one of the VERY best days of your life, and even though PJ will not be here to hold your leg and or hand and yell "PUUUUSH!!!!", or to tell you that "everything is going to be ok", or to throw some encouraging words like "You're doin awesome!" in, THIS day will most certainly be another best day mark on your life calendar... So, quit feeling sorry for yourself and remember that he will be there shortly after to enjoy the life that we brought into the world together! Because weather he is here or not, he really will be there because we are always together in heart... And belly maybe even? Maybe having a little PJ inside of you is what helps you feel that much closer to big PJ.
I just can't wait to have our baby in my arms to introduce him to his Daddy! That will most definatly be one more best day ever check on both of our calendars! I can't wait!! :)
Mucho love,
McKenna Barwick
P.S. I need your address!
You are such an incredible writer!!! Your words bring a tear to my eye. Can't wait to see the pictures of your new baby boy.
Love it!
ps I think it is maybe something about coconuts preggo noses don't like... when I was knocked up with Kodi Anne bath and body coconut lime made me puke with every still makes me sick to this day :/
awww!! Cute!
okay, you are simply amazing kenna!! I am so excited for you and PJ to have your lil babe. Talon and your babe are so lucky to have a mom like you!
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