
rambles of a tired momma.

I've got two very handsome sick boys asleep in their beds. Getting them to sleep wasn't the easiest thing I did today. It's 3:29 am.

My boys are asleep, it wasn't the easiest thing to get them there, and I am wide eyed at 3:29am. There is definately something wrong with this picture. But I don't mind. I'm just thankful my babies are sleeping peacefully.

My husband called me TWO times in 24 hours yesterday! I'm so excited for him! He was moved into a new tent and now has a mattress and a air conditioner! Can you believe it? The men fighting for OUR freedom NOW for the last 2 months of their deployment have a little padding for their beat up bodies to rest on. I'm just so giddy for him. He sounded quite tickled himself. In the midst of our 20 minute conversation he mentioned (randomly-I might add) that he wants to paint my finger nails and toe nails. Uhhh? Haha I laughed and knowing my corky lover I responded with a "WHHHHHat?" He replied "When I get home you are doing NOTHING I want to spoil you, pamper you, and NEVER stop touching you! I'm not even going to let you wipe your own butt!" he said. And I stopped him there... "ummm I don't think I'll be letting you paint my nails or allowing you to wipe my butt. But I FREAKIN LOVE YOU!" Seriously... Where did I get this guy? Thank goodness he loves me unconditionally. If those very words don't prove it... I'm not sure what would?

I'm craving asparagus like a pregnant women! I may be entering that time of month soon so really, it makes perfect sense. Any way, asparagus soup entered my mind around 2am and I've been plotting the perfect recipe to try for lunch tomorrow-I mean today. We'll see how it goes. I'm one to follow my nose, heart, and mind when it comes to cooking. Following others recipes is just not my thang. I learned what I know from my Momma, my Poppa, Food Network, and trial and error of course. Lately FOOD is top priority... Well after my childen... duh. But seriously FOOD is pretty much all I think about. And I often ask myself "what is wrong with you?" and I truly worry that I will end up over weight if I continue on this way... But I quickly dismiss these thoughts with the fact that I do make some wonderful dishes! There is nothing better then a heavenly plate full of food to me. A plate Where everything meshes together perfectly and every bite that enters the mouth just melts and leaves you asking WHAT IS THAT? and HOW CAN I MAKE IT? And now your wondering "what's wrong with her!?" Aren't you? Well... Get your hiney over here. Anytime. Just let me know, I'll fix you a plate of some yummyness and THEN and only then will you know JUST WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. I'd like to think of myself as somewhat of a foody. We'll see what happens down the road. I've got a long road of food ahead of me. And I can't WAIT!

Now I shall try for a little shut eye. Oh my goodness. time. Actually, I might PRAY for some shut eye.

Good morning world.



Laier said...

Yup its just me your avid blog reader! I am so sorry your boys are sick.. Krae has not gotten sick yet and I seriously can wait for that... I hope he never gets sick (I know big hopes haha) I just love to read about your love on the other side of the world it makes me cry and smile at the same time! You deserve every ounce of happiness you get! I want some of this delish food you speak of so when you are all feeling better me and the babes will come over and you can make us a delish dish k! Love you and ps you can never get over weight you are teeeeny tiny! Love and miss you so much!
Love always, your biggest fan!

Sarah Haslem said...

Can you come up here and make me some food? you just may be the best cook. ever....
PJ is a little weird but man he loves you so much!

Audree_buttercup said...

That is just so adorable! Your husband is quite hilarious-I wouldn't let mine paint my nails or wipe my butt either :) gross. Asparagus soup? That sounds interesting, if it works out for you then will you share the ingredients? ;) Hope your boys get better soon.

Candice and Quinn said...

love you tired momma, just love you. sarah and i really are savin your family a place here in idaho! so get yo buns here already