
hibernation barrier...

"Ouuuuchhhhhh" I whimpered as I climbed into my freshly washed bed sometime yesterday morning. Talon was out being his normal mischievous self (the thought of him on our front steps always brings a smile to my face.) I'd scrubbed, cloroxed, swept, hand and knee moped, and dusted every inch of our small but very comfortable home, and I was ready for a nap. I might inform you that this was sometime after 8am when I am SUPPOSED to be at work... Maybe 11ish? Well, after I finally was able to pull myself from that fresh sent of downy just eeking from my sheets, I decided it was a good time to grab my lil lovers hand and walk 50 feet to crying babies and my beautiful sister whom was watching her daily round up of favorite television shows. I found a comfortable place to sprawl out and take a load off. We talked during commercials and I casually watched the time just tick away... I'm sure it was around 1ish when I stood up to look in the refrigerator for a little som'n, som'n when I said "I don't think I'll be attending work today" my sister choked up under her breath a little.

I KNOW I'm absolutely BONKERS (i like that word) for EVER missing a day of the most amazing job that has been so accommodating to all of my needs for the past 2.5 years... BUT, but, but... I have about a hundred excuses of WHY I'd rather sit around and be lazy or play with Talon in Ash's new glorious sandbox for the day. BUT I'm not going to go on about excuses, because excuses are annoying, and I'd rather not be such a word today. Plus, I'm just being irresponsible by being lazy, but I don't really care anymore. If we can afford for me to quit, then we can afford for me to miss a day... I just have a hard time handling the guilty feeling inside my anxious chest. Sheesh I wish it were easier, BUT I'm so glad it's not.

I need to hibernate (hows that for me sliding around the excuses and getting straight to the point? but really not sliding so well... I guess it's still an excuse... BUT I DO!) and I wont... I would just like to. I'm so lucky to have the MOST understanding and WONDERFUL boss EVER! (now watch, I'll get fired..) But I really am lucky! For many things other then just an amazing job and boss... I'm very lucky, for you even! (Thank you for reading!)

I'd like a good book, a hairy chested structurally fit, smelly good, handsome man to cuddle me up and read to me right about now... God, I miss him. I'll just continue to keep breathing and doing what must be done BECAUSE it is what must be done. Everyone tells me I must be strong to wait for my husband, I don't think so... I'm just in love! I can't give up now. sighhhhh....

Hope everyone is having a very pleasant Thursday morning! TGTIF! (Thank goodness tomorrow is friday!!!) haha



Beau, Ashley, + Noah said...

You're amazing!.. I would feel like hibernating if i were you too.! You can do it though, not to much longer till Tres comes, and then you can have your break from work!.. LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART.!

Unknown said...

haha you are too funny! I think everyone diserves to call in "sick" for a day to just be home!
I am very guilty of that!

Jorgensen's said...

Congrats on the "day off"!! I went to high school with PJ and randomly met up with him earlier this year when we were both witnesses to a wreck on the freeway and found that we live just around the corner from you! small world! good luck with the baby!