
& another.

5 months TOMORROW! YIPPY! This means I am now halfway closer to seeing our lil man! I felt baby kickin around quite a bit this weekend. Every time I'd feel him I'd pretty much tell Peej and Tal to freeze just so I could feel the slight thuds going on in my tummy. I get more excited for his presence each day! Nothing is more wonderful than to know that I am helping to create my babies life. Peej has been rubbing baby a lot in hopes to feel his thuds too... Probably wont for a few weeks though. I think I may be nesting... I don't remember having these urges to clean and garden while I was pregnant with Talon, but there is definitely no complaint. Peej and I decided to take a few pics Thursday night before SLC. I think I just look bloated, but baby is REALLY growing fast! My belly already seems bigger from Thursday... (babycenter says to expect a major increase in my appetite!) Any whoo here's a few of our 5 month photo shoot! :)

When we got done with our photo shoot Peej decided it was a good idea to deck out Talon's face with a little Camo paint (We were packing for his Africa trip when he found it). Talon freaked, he was so excited! He was jumping around making scary hulk noises and flexing his large muscles! At that point we decided it would be a good idea to have Talman ring grandma's doorbell and scare her when she answered. We snuck over to her house very quietly. While Peej and I ducked behind the bushes Tal rang the doorbell and in the silence of the night the whole neighborhood could have been awoken by his roaring growl! It was really quite amusing. After we laughed about Talon's new persona for a few minutes we decided it was time to go home... Talon crawled on all fours like a gremlin all the way to our casa. It was hilarious! He has the most amazing imagination! He could entertain us for days...

so cute!

muscles in action!

The funny thing is, he actually looked like a mini hulk, AND he had his hulk undies on! Perfect undies for any green face painting occasion.


Errin said...

you dont even look preg yet skinny minny!! hah, and Talons face looks sweet!

Beau, Ashley, + Noah said...

awwee your so beautiful babe, I'm so excited for the baby! You look so tiny still.! That is so funny of Talon, I would have loved to see that in action! When does pj leave?

cassidy said...

Your so cute, lovey! Your little man is so freaking cute, I'm so glad you're having another. Let's really do lunch soon! (with the new appetite and all :)

Kariann + JD Leavitt said...

Your bellers is SO cute!! i need to see it in person ASAP! And PJ is so cute with Tal-man i love it!!!!! oh and, the picture on the side of you and PJ is SO so cute!!! You guys seem really happy, im so glad!!