
what to do...

While slouching at my desk starring at the one thing I stare at for one too many hours each day I got a little phone call... "Is this McKenna Timothy??" The lady excitedly requested... "Yes, this is McKenna" (In my mind I'm thinking, CRAP bill collector?) "Well you've just been turned in to coins for kids for texting too much on your phone!" (I hate when people say that. The only person I ever text is my man... I knew it had to have been someone from work.) "Oh really?" I replied with a giggle, as if I was happy about this? I definitely had some mixed emotions... No one has ever turned me into coins for kids. I was actually a little happy about it. Until.. dun, dun, dun... I went to tell my co-workers and they were like "Oh WOW, that sucks" and "Your actually going to do this?" I walked back to my desk now thinking about how bad this could actually be? The more I think about it the more I realize I REALLY don't have time for it. I've got SO much going on before and even after Peej get's home! I mean, I DO only have 2 months to plan a wedding that I will cherish a lifetime, and there IS about a million things that come along with wedding planning. (Which I was oblivious to until now, all you marrieds HOW DID YOU DO IT?) Any wayyyyy I've come to the conclusion that I am going to stick to my word. Tough it out, and maybe even nominate Peej to earn $1,000 dollars with me. It is going to an extremely good cause, and apparently we get free lunch at outback! :) So, it would be worth it to have a free date with my sexy man. Plus I've been trying to challenge myself lately, and it's working out pretty good. The busier I stay, the better I feel. So, busy I shall stay! Wish me luck! I'll be starting a website for anyone out there who might wanna help me reach my goal! Please HELP!

Have a great Friday and memorial weekend everyone!!
Much love!


Beau, Ashley, + Noah said...

so what does that mean? Your going to help collect money for kids? That would be awesome, you sure have your hands full.! Prego, wedding, baby shower, bridal shower, and the list goes on! We need to get to plannin girl! LOVE YOU

krystalatwork said...

What does it mean? Turning in to coins for kids because you text too much? I don't get it. Can charities really just call you up and pressure you into doing something like that?

Kenna said...

Yes they can! Apparently they call most business's in the area and try to get people to put in "jail" It's not actual jail as I said, they send you to lunch. I'm not sure I fully understand it myself just yet, but they are sending me a package in the mail, it should be here today! I might end up having to bail out though. Things are getting more and more crazy the closer the wedding gets! We'll see!